Church News

Accessibility 2014
We are coming up on five years of ownership of our main church building. If you were here when it was purchased, you remember the needy condition it was in. Much labor, most of which was volunteer, went into remodeling the key areas—nursery, toddler room, offices, main bathrooms, youth room and rear entrance. In addition, new boilers were installed, as were a security system and significant technical systems. Much general maintenance and painting were performed. In the back of our minds…

FRCZ Monthly Collection
If you know of any: used baby monitors, nursing supplies or new child car seats, the Family Resource Center of Zion is always on the lookout for these items. They may be brought to church every 3rd Sunday of the month (for our FRCZ collection).

Congratulations Tres Cruses Foursquare Church!
Did you know that this week the Tres Cruses Foursquare Church is celebrating its 5th anniversary? After giving us the vision to plant a church there, the Lord made it a reality when we were led to Pastor Gil and Nora Barcelo. Pastor Gil had previously planted a church in a nearby barrio and felt the call to plant a church in Tres Cruses. Since that time, we helped them build a church building and next year we will be…

Fattened Calf Fundraiser – Gallery
On Sunday, October 9, we hosted a dinner to raise funds for the Tres Cruses House project (raising $15,000 to build a new parsonage for the Foursquare Church in Tres Cruses, Philippines). Thanks to everyone who helped and/or contributed to this special project! [nggallery id=5]

Bob Roberts is With the Lord!
I have just learned that our dear friend and brother, Bob Roberts, passed quietly into the presence of the Lord about an hour ago. I believe that his wife of 49 years, Marlene, and his oldest daughter, Roberta, were at his side. One of his wishes was that “Matthew, Mark, Luke and John” would come and receive him into glory. That apparently is what an old Sunday School teacher of his said happened to her as she was dying, so…

Nanay Busing with the Lord
On December 31, 2011, our dear sister, Nanay Busing, went home to be with the Lord, in San Diego, California. She was the mother of Pastor Herman, Annie, Nilo, Satur and Zaldy Ignaco (plus 6 others who live elsewhere). Following stomach surgery for cancer, one month ago, she was recovering at the home of her daughter, Luz, when she died peacefully, in her sleep. Funeral services will be held on Saturday, January 21, in Tres Cruses, Philippines. Whenever Nanay was…

Family Resource Center Speaker
On November 13, 2011, we had a very special speaker speak to our congregation from the Family Resource Center of Zion. Last year, this young woman found herself pregnant, in desperate need of help and guidance and seeking an abortion. Through the counseling and prayers of the center’s director, Brenda Benegas, this woman not only decided to keep her child but also met Jesus Christ and began a relationship with Him. This is the kind of story that gets repeated…

Whose Hands are You In?
“Don’t put your life in the hands of experts who know nothing of life, of salvation life. Mere humans don’t have what it takes; when they die, their projects die with them. Instead, get help from the God of Jacob, put your hope in God and know real blessing!” (Psalm 146:3-5 from THE MESSAGE: The Bible in Contemporary Language © 2002 by Eugene H. Peterson. All rights reserved.)

“Two Kinds of People…”
“There are two kinds of people in this world — the clueless and the repentant. Those who are open to looking at their life and those who are not. Folks who know they need God to change them, and folks who are expecting everyone else to change. We have great hope for the first group; the second bunch is choosing ignorance; the damage they are doing is almost unforgivable.” –John & Stasi Eldredge (from the Love & War DVD series)